AGM 2023

Welcome. Here are some resources to help as we are meeting. To join, click here:

September 20, 2023, 11:30 a.m. via Zoom

See the Annual Report here.


  1. Welcome – Zilla Jones (Chair of the Board)
  2. Remarks on Format of Meeting
  3. Approval of Agenda
    See PDF of agenda here.
  4. Approval of Minutes from 2021-2022
    See PDF of last year’s minutes here.
  5. Chair’s Report – Zilla Jones (Chair of the Board)
    See PDF of the chair’s report here.
  6. Interim Executive Director’s Report – Aiden Enns (Interim Executive Director)
    See PDF of the interim executive director’s report here.
  7. Auditor’s Report – Chair, with auditor (Scarrow & Donald, Chartered Professional Accountants)
    See PDF of the auditor’s report here.
  8. Motion to Appoint an Auditor – Chair
  9. Renewing Board Members – Chair
    See PDF of member renewals here.
  10. Special Presentation: Record Suspension Program – George Chartrand and Mike Mahon, (Support Workers, Record Suspension Program, John Howard Society of Manitoba)
  1. Meeting Adjournment – Chair