Reintegration Services & Courses


Our reintegration department assists clients with their transition from incarceration to community. We offer continuous support as they re-establish and maintain their roles as workers, students, parents, and community members. We are a one-stop shop for men involved in the justice system in Manitoba. We assist with individual community referrals, programming and support.

Please call 204-775-1514 extension 110 to make an appointment with our reintegration staff member to ensure availability. Our regular office hours are 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

Click here to download a printable brochure.

We work in partnership with the John Howard Society of Brandon though we offer a different range and variety of services.  Their services and location might suit your needs better so please visit their site through this link to read more about them.

Summary of our Services

We offer four of the same programs that are offered in the provincial Institutions (see Programs below).  

We offer clothing and hygiene items, available to clients who need them.

An important part of our work is providing information and community resource referrals for clients.

Here are a few of the things clients can receive help with through reintegration services:

  • Provide assistance with Birth Certificate (note: some restrictions apply)
  • Employment referrals and resources
  • Plans for education, such as adult learning centres, post-secondary, or other training
  • Referrals to addictions treatment program
  • Finding community supports and resources for family members
Our Clients

Our community clients include people who just got out of jail as well as those who have been out for years. Anybody can use our services as long as they are male who has currently or formerly been involved in the justice system.

Clients from Institutions across the province of Manitoba can contact us via phone. Clients in the community can call to make an appointment for in-person assistance.

Clothing Closet

John Howard Society has a clothing closet, called the “We Fit You Closet,” where clients in the community can visit to pick up clothing. We have mostly casual clothing – t-shirts, jeans, and sweaters – as well as, coats, and winter wear. Work boots are also available, with a letter from an employer stating employment.

If clothing is required for release from an institution, contact your case worker and they will e mail the reintegration team with your requests. Clothing will be placed in your property for your release. Please make this request 2 month prior to release.

We also have hygiene items, which include basic toiletries for individuals that are reintegrating from institution to community.

Hours of operation

Our clients in the community are also welcome to make use of the clothing closet. They can contact us for clothing for pickup. Please call ahead on a Monday for pick up on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. The number to call is 204-775-1514, ext. 110, to speak with Tania, our reintegration caseworker.

Donations welcome

Donations to the clothing closet are greatly appreciated. We are in constant need of jeans, sweaters, jackets, boots, work boots and shoes. Please call the reintegration department at 204-775-1514 to arrange to drop off clothing during business hours.


All programs are continuous and are offered on a rotation and are FREE of charge.

Call 204-775-1514 for more information or to make an intake appointment for registration.

Positive Parenting Program

The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is a preventatively oriented program that aims to promote positive, caring relationships between parents and their children. The program aims to help parents develop effective management strategies for dealing with a variety of childhood behavioural and emotional problems and common developmental issues (Triple P, 2013).

The John Howard Society of Manitoba offers this course to fathers in the community, and it is offered in a group setting. This program is divided into 4 sessions. Once it has started, it takes place every evening for 1 week. Call 204-775-1514 for more information or to make an intake appointment for registration.

End to Aggression (Anger Management)

End to Aggression is the name of our court-approved anger management program designed to help participants avoid further assaultive and/or aggressive behaviour by understanding how the way we think affects how we feel and ultimately affects our actions (Government of Manitoba, 2011).

The John Howard Society of Manitoba offers this course free of charge to men in the community, and it takes place in a group setting. This program is divided into 10 sessions. Once it starts, it takes place every Tuesday and Thursday evening for 5 weeks. Call 204-775-1514 for more information or to make an intake appointment for registration.

Introduction to Healthy Relationships

Introduction to Healthy Relationships provides participants with information about healthy relationships, healthy and unhealthy behaviour within relationships, and tools to promote behavioural change. This is an informational program and not a treatment option (Government of Manitoba, 2015).

The John Howard Society of Manitoba offers this course to men in the community, and it takes place in a group setting. This program is divided into 2 sessions. Once it starts, it takes place Tuesday and Thursday evening for 1 week. Call 204-775-1514 for more information or to make an intake appointment for registration.

Coming To Terms

The Coming To Terms (CTT) program provides information to its participants that will assist them in evaluating their use of alcohol and other drugs, and the consequences that it may pose on their lives, as well as the lives around them. It aims to develop self-awareness and progression through the Stages of Change (Manitoba Corrections, 2010).

The John Howard Society of Manitoba offers this course to men in the community, and it takes place in a group setting. This program is divided into 10 sessions, twice a week for 5 weeks.  Tuesday and Thursday. Call 204-775-1514 for more information or to make an intake appointment for registration.