Have questions about Record Suspensions and Pardons?
New! Get this free 24-page booklet to help you with questions about Record Suspensions and Pardons. If you have further questions, you are welcome to call for a free consultation with one of our caseworkers, just call our office, 204-775-1514 or email office@johnhoward.mb.ca.

This is the place to learn about Record Suspensions/Pardon. If you have an old record you want cleared or pardoned, read on!
Is your dated criminal record preventing you from…
- getting the job you want?
- enjoying your quality of life?
- Or maybe you are embarrassed about a criminal record from years gone by.
You have options.
Explore your eligibility with our Record Suspension Support Caseworkers (see contact info below).
Can anyone with a criminal record obtain a Record Suspension/Pardon?
No, the legislation has some limitations on eligibility. The restrictions are set out on the Parole Board of Canada website and we can help you with your review.

What is the cost?
There is no cost to you for the Record Suspension assistance provided by the John Howard Society of Manitoba. If you are eligible to make an application, your costs will be for the acquiring of the required records. There is also a $50.00 fee charged by the Parole Board of Canada, due when the application is submitted.
Who decides if I get a Record Suspension/Pardon?
The Parole Board of Canada is the decision maker. They make their decisions based on the completed materials and records that are given to them.
How long does it take?
It depends on the nature of the charges. More serious indictable charges could take upwards of one year while summary conviction matters are targeted to be completed within 6 months and less in the context of possession of cannabis matters.
When can I expect a decision?
The time needed to complete the application and receive a decision from the Parole Board of Canada varies depending on the convictions. There are steps that must be taken before an application can be filed and a decision made by the Parole Board of Canada. It will take some time to obtain the records from the agencies. Once they receive the materials, the Parole Board will generally make their decision within 6 to 12 months of receiving the application.
How can we help?
We can help you with the process of obtaining a Record Suspension, beginning with your eligibility. Once it is determined whether you are a possible candidate, we can further assist you throughout the application process.

What about a Cannabis record suspension/pardon?
Yes, you can apply. If your record is limited to a conviction for cannabis possession, you can apply immediately for a record suspension when your sentence is completed, even if there are outstanding fines or surcharges. You can also apply if you are not a Canadian citizen or resident of Canada. Our caseworkers can assist you in determining eligibility for applications related to the possession of cannabis.
Contact us
George Chartrand
Record Suspension Support Caseworker
Telephone 204-775-1514 Ext. 117
Michael Mahon
Record Suspension Support Caseworker
Telephone 204-775-1514 Ext. 109
Contact Us:
John Howard Society of Manitoba
586 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 1Z7