For individuals on bail who want to improve the outcome of their involvement with the justice system.

What we can do
Our Bail Navigator keeps in regular contact with clients in the program and provides the following supports:
• Check in with participants weekly, either in person or by phone
• Offer reminders of court dates
• Review bail conditions and provide guidance to help clients meet them
• Provide referrals to community programs, supports, and services
• Provide information about programs for mental health, substance use, employment, and more.
Program requirements
In order for the Bail Navigator to provide regular contact, program participants must have:
• A verifiable address
• Consistent use of a phone number, email address, or other means of regular communication (for example, a texting or messaging app)
Who is eligible?
This program is for low- to medium-risk individuals on bail who need support to maintain their release conditions.
Those who typically qualify are those with allegations such as:
✔ Property crimes
✔ Mischief related offences
✔ Administrative breaches
✔ Driving offences
✔ Limited violence offences
✔ Domestic charges where the person’s criminal record is not extensive
Who is not eligible?
We are not able to accept individuals with:
✖ A history of repeated offences
✖ Active gang membership
✖ Sexual assault charges
✖ A prior conviction involving violence against an intimate partner
✖ Arson charges
✖ Repeated convictions of drug trafficking
✖ An indictable offence committed while released on bail for another indictable offence
✖ Unlawful possession of a loaded prohibited or restricted firearm, breaking and entering to steal a firearm, robbery to steal a firearm, or making an automatic firearm
✖ Indictable offences alleged to involve firearms or other weapons where the accused is subject to a weapons prohibition order
✖ A serious offence involving violence and the use of a weapon where the accused was previously convicted of an offence with the same criteria
How to get started
Individuals must be referred by a lawyer. To get started, ask your lawyer to download a referral form at:
For more information,
Contact the Bail Navigator
Julie Nyman
204-775-1514 ext. 115
Download referral and consent forms here:
Photo credit: Susan Sewert, Pixabay